Pearson BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma in Business
(Registered under Chapter 493, Registration Number: 252369)
BTEC 商學英國高等教育文憑由培生集團(Pearson Group)旗下的英國愛德思國家職業學歷與學術考試機構(Edexcel) 頒發。Edexcel 是英國最大的頒證機構,頌發的證書獲國際廣泛認可。課程為有志入讀英國高等教育課程的學員提供進修途徑。這英國高等教育文憑亦獲超過130個國家及全球的專業機構認可。
英國商業及技術教育委員會(Business & Technology Education Council, BTEC) 於1984年在英國成立,由商業教育委員會(Business Education Council, BEC)與技術教育委員會(Technology Education Council, TEC)合併而成,後作為英國國家職業資格證書的品牌名稱。其後BTEC與倫敦大學考試及評核局(University of London Examination & Assessment Council, ULEAC)於1996年合併,正式成立Edexcel。
Edexcel 是英國愛德思國家職業學歷與學術考試機構,隸屬於培生集團(Pearson Group)旗下,為英國最大的頒證機構,評核範圍包括英國綜合中等教育證書(General Certificate of Secondary Education, GCSE)、英國普通教育普通教育文憑(General Certificate of Education, GCE)及BTEC等資歷。
BTEC 是工作相關的資歷,課程的設計一方面針對僱主的需要,另一方面訓練學員可繼續修讀大學學位。課程提供專門的職業培訓,配合專業機構的要求,並符合有關界別及行業的英國國家職業標準。由於BTEC的訓練強調發展實務技能及專門範疇的知識,有關資歷獲國際認可,學員已具備主要概念及技能,可直接入職有關行業及繼續進修更高學歷。
BTEC課程不僅能夠發展學員在工作中需要的實踐技能,而且在教授學術知識的同時,還能培養學員在繼續深造學習過程中需要的各種技能,如理論分析能力、應用解決技巧、獨立研究能力及原創開發能力等。此外,BTEC HND課程能讓學員在學習過程中更好地掌握英語的各種知識和技能,從而為學員繼續深造奠定了堅實的語言基礎。
BTEC英國高等教育文憑(HND)獲世界各地的大學和專業機構認可,完成課程的學員可選擇直接就業或繼續升學。以下是全球接受BTEC HND的部分院校名單,入學時學員往往需要滿足院校的其他入學條件:
Anglia Ruskin University
University of Bedfordshire
University College Birmingham
The University of Bolton
Bath Spa University
Bradford College (University Centre)
Bradford University
University of Brighton
Buckinghamshire New University
Coventry University
Canterbury Christ Church University
University of Central Lancashire
University of Derby
De Montfort University
University of Glamorgan
University of Gloucestershire
University of Greenwich
Guildhall College (UEL)
Harper Adams University College
University of Hertfordshire
University of Huddersfield
University of Kent
University of Lincoln
Liverpool John Moores University
London Metropolitan University
London South Bank University
Middlesex University
Manchester Metropolitan University
University of Northampton
Nottingham University
Oxford Brookes University
University of Plymouth
University of Portsmouth
Staffordshire University
University of Surrey
Swansea Metropolitan University
Southampton Solent University
St Patrick’s College
University of Teesside
University of Westminster
University of the West of England, Bristol
University of Wolverhampton
University of Worcester
University of Wales Institute
University of Wales, Newport
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
University of Denver
West Texas A&M University
University of Tampa
St Catherine University
East Carolina University
Hawaii Pacific University
Iowa State University
Dalhousie University
Mount Saint Vincent University
Laurentian University
Curtain University, Sydney
Edith Cowan University
Murdoch University
University of New England (NSW)
Queensland University of Technology
University of South Australia
University of Technology, Sydney
University of Western Australia
University of Canterbury
University of Otago
Parson Paris School of Art and Design
Saxion University
Intel UK and global
Escuela Superior de Turismo de Baleares Spain
Conrinthia International Hotels Malta
Heriot Watt University
American University in the Emirates
Middlesex University, Dubai
Syrian Virtual University
Department for Tourism and Commerce Dubai
Petroleum Development Oman
Royal Guard of Oman Technical School Oman
Pioneer Foods South Africa
Emirates Aviation College UAE
在符合其他入學條件的情况下,香港大部分大學及高等院校均接受BTEC HND
Help University College, Kuala Lumpur
National Economic University, Hanoi
Academy of Executives and Administrators
Academy of Multi-Skills
Association of Accounting Technicians
Association of Building Engineers
Association of Certified Book-Keepers
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
Association of Financial Controllers and Administrators
Association of International Accountants
Association of Professional Recording Services
British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences
British Computer Society
British Institute of Professional Photography
Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists
Chartered Institute of Bankers
Chartered Institute of Building
Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers
Chartered Institute of Environmental Health
Chartered Institute of Housing
Chartered Institute of Management Accountants
Chartered Institute of Marketing
Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy
Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply
Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management
Chartered Management Institute
Chartered Quality Institute
Chartered Society of Designers
Communication, Advertising and Marketing Education Foundation Ltd
Council for Professions Supplementary to Medicine
Creative and Cultural Skills
Engineering Council
Federation of Holistic Therapies
Institute of Administrative Management
Institute of Automotive Engineer Assessors
Institute of Biology
Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
Institute for Chartered Secretaries and Administrators
Institute of Clerks of Works of Great Britain Incorporated
Institute of Cost and Executive Accountants
Institute of Financial Accountants
Institute of Financial Services
Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Estate Management
Institute of Highway Incorporated Engineers
Institute of Horticulture
Institute of Hospitality
Institute of Leadership and Management
Institute of Legal Executives
Institute for the Management of Information Systems
Institute of Management Services
Institute of Management Specialists
Institute of Manufacturing
Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology
Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
Institute of Measurement and Control
Institute of the Motor Industry
Institute of Personnel and Development
Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering
Institute of Refrigeration
Institute of Revenues, Rating and Valuation
Institute of Sport and Recreation Management
Institute of Sports, Parks and Leisure
Institute of Transport Administration
Institution of Agricultural Engineers
Institution of Chemical Engineers
Institution of Civil Engineering
Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors
The Institution of Engineering and Technology
Institution of Engineering Designers
Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers
Institution of Incorporated Engineers
Institution of Lighting Engineers
Institution of Materials, Minerals and Mining
Institution of Structural Engineers
Nursing and Midwifery Council
Pensions Management Institute
Professional Business and Technical Management
Royal Aeronautical Society
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
Royal Institution of Naval Architects
Royal Society of Chemistry
Society of Dyers and Colourists
Society of Operations Engineers
Tourism Society
Welding stitute
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